
Pactum co-founders Kristjan Korjus, Martin Rand and Kaspar Korjus
Pactum co-founders Kristjan Korjus, Martin Rand and Kaspar Korjus

Pactum helps global companies to digitally conduct personalized commercial negotiations on a massive scale. Pactum works with $5B-plus revenue companies, including many top Fortune 500 organizations such as Walmart and Maersk.

Pactum’s solution creates a fast and responsive environment for users to digitally negotiate deals with thousands of suppliers at a time, leading to productivity gains, cost-reductions and stronger terms for all parties. On average, Pactum generates savings of 3%-5% when fully deployed by enterprise clients, creating hundreds of millions of dollars in unrealized savings.

While Pactum is currently focused on agreements with suppliers, it’s easy to see where this technology could go next. How about using AI to help employers and employees negotiate employment contracts based on their unique requirements?

Autonomous negotiations
Category defining company
First customer
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Pactum founders

Dec 8, 2022

Pactum Raises $20 Million | Bloomberg

Pactum Raises $20 Million | Bloomberg

Jul 11, 2024

Pactum AI raises $20 million Series B

Dec 8, 2022

Why we invested in Pactum

3VC is a European venture capital fund that invests in carefully selected tech startups with global ambition, starting from Series A. Together with our extensive network, our entrepreneurial team provides dedicated support to our portfolio companies.