DGG co-founders Max Limper, Julian-Alexander Neagu and Miguel Sousa
DGG co-founders Max Limper, Julian-Alexander Neagu and Miguel Sousa

Darmstadt Graphics Group (DGG) is the creator of RapidCompact, that enables the processing of 3D data at a large scale, for LODs in real-time applications or highly compressed 3D assets for e-commerce. Data can be sourced from CAD or 3D Scanners.

RapidCompact was developed as a result of more than nine years of research and development.​ In 2018, DGG was founded as a spinoff of the Fraunhofer Society – a leading research institution well-known for the creation of MP3.

Our mission is to provide essential tools for the optimization of 3D data for AR, VR and the web. Automated, lightning-fast and usable by everyone. DGG’s RapidCompact platform enables a large-scale breakthrough of interactive 3D graphics, where 3D content is as easy to use as images or videos nowadays.

DGG CEO Max Limper
Max Limper,
CEO & Co-founder DGG

We invested in Rapid Compact by DGG's Seed round in July 2020. Co-investors include Charlie Songhurst and FTTF.

3D Commerce
Co-creator of glTF file format
Max Limper, founder of DGG, co-created now industry standard file format
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DGG Team

Jul 21, 2023

DGG's €4M round | Gründerszene

DGG's €4M round | Gründerszene

Sep 18, 2020

DGG's €760k seed round | Startups Magazine

DGG's €760k seed round | Startups Magazine

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