
DeepCode Founders from left to right Martin Vechev, Boris Paskalev, Veselin Raychev
DeepCode Founders Martin Vechev, Boris Paskalev, Veselin Raychev

DeepCode uses AI to learn from open source software and help developers write better code. The bot is free for open source software and commercial teams of up to 30 developers. Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, and C/C++ are currently supported. Developers get started by connecting DeepCode with their GitHub, BitBucket, or GitLab accounts or directly within their IDE. No configuration is required: DeepCode immediately starts reviewing each commit and identifies issues in seconds.

We invested in DeepCode's Seed round in August 2019. Co-investors include Earlybird.

Exited to
September 2020
Exit date
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DeepCode Founders

Sep 24, 2020

Snky acquires Deepcode | TechCrunch

Snky acquires Deepcode | TechCrunch

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